Category Archives: Random Ponderings

Week 2 of 2013

Is it just me, or did this past week go by really really quickly?

I was astounded when all of a suddend I found it to be Friday last week (happy, but a wee bit surprised)

All in all, it wasn’t a bad week, I think.

I don’t remember a whole lot about the week actually, I know I didn’t make a lot of progress on my crochet and then having to start working squares together this weekend, my interest level drop quite a bit – something I have to work through – I think I’m just at a point where it feels like the pattern either won’t work out or that it will be way too much effort in the end (those dreaded edges! I’m glad I’m not alone in that)

Hubby and I had a lot of fun playing borderlands – we’re almost done with the campaign after which we might do a second play-through.

Habit/goal-wise the week went well as you can see below:


I did end up adding two more goals,things that I think will improve life a bit and isn’t too much effort to end up  making it too much too soon.

I also bought this really cool mouse-pad planner on Friday – you can plan your whole week on it! It’s mostly for work, so not much exiting will go on it – I just love various forms of stationary.


Not a great photo unfortunately

(not sure why the photo is sidey-ways, but oh well)

I’m not sure what I want to accomplish this week, but I am starting to think more and more that it is time to be more intentional about life – setting goals for each week and accomplish them, not just floating through life and being.

Anyone have anything interesting planned for the week?

Oh – I almost forgot! Today marks the 5 year anniversary of me starting my current job and more importantly, meeting hubby. wow

It’s been a while…

A very long while actually.

I’m not sure if life is going to calm down – I’m about to start phase 2 on a rather big project and I’m not sure about the time pressure on this one.
I guess that means that I’m not sure if I’m back or if I’m just popping in.


We’ll see what happens.


I want to share all my crochet projects, I think there are about 5 or 6 of them.


Tonight I will take photos and hopfully post tomorrow.


Have a great day everyone!

Quick Break

I’m taking a quick break from typing up meeting minutes after yesterday’s bog presentation.

Just need to clear my head and be able to look at it with fresh eyes.

The presentation didn’t go too badly and the client seems happy with our proposal and now the really hard work will start.

I’m looking forward to it, but I’m also dreading it a bit – work is going to be hectic for the next year or so.

I have my crochet lying next to me – I usually do a couple of rows during lunch – and all I want to do at the moment is to pic it up and work on it some more. Vinni’s yarns are really really gorgeous.

That reminds me, I still want to do that post about all my projects.

Anyhow – back to work I go.


I’m hoping life will be a little calmer this week.

There is meant to be a presentation on either Tuesday or Thursday and I might or might not be going. I bought nice formal clothes just in case I am going. I don’t think I’m too bothered either way.

We had a fairly good weekend. Hubby got his new Retina Display macbook pro – he is so happy, it’s awesome.

Saturday was shopping and some cleaning and then just relaxing – I started filing all my Art – of  – Crochet magazines. I don’t have enough binders, they were out of stock for the longest time, and then never sent me the catch-up ones. I’m pretty sure I was charged for it though. I should go look.

That off course means that I saw a lot of projects that I want to do, so I came up with an interesting idea.

I made a list of all the projects I want to make, divided up into the amount of yarn they use, 0-5 balls, 6-10 balls etc. And I will write that on different colour cards and as I have money and want to start new projects, I just pick a card that suits my budget.

I did find a new project – a top – that I started on, you’re meant to use mercerized cotton, but I have a bamboo yarn that I think is about the same thickness, so we’ll see what happens – I did a semblance of a tension square, so now I’m hoping for the best.

I want to do a post with all my current projects, I think I have 3 or  4 going at the moment.

Church was interesting – we started a new series called Vengeance, it is about how we react when we are hurt by other people and the subtle ways in which we take revenge, e.g. withdrawing, suppressing(I’m struggling a bit with seeing how that one is vengeance) and two others which I don’t really remember.

Looking forward to the next installment of this.

Otherwise, not much exciting happening – I was meant to start my second cycle of bootcamp this morning. I debated with myself before bed and decided that I was going, woke up at 3 this morning and debated some more and decided that I was not going.

Still don’t know what the best thing is to do.

Quick Catch-up

Life has been a bit hectic (at work at least)

The weekend was fairly quiet and restful, but at work I’m preparing for a presentation and it’s going quite crazy.

I haven’t been able to go to exercise the last 2 days as my ankle is still hurting – really annoying. It looks like I might miss the assessment on Thursday as well.

I’ve been crocheting! Working on the scarf that I posted the other day – I wasn’t sure about the pattern at first, but it has grown on me – and now that it has, I have no idea where my other ball of the same yarn is!

I’ve also been working on a crochet top – I think I need to do about 10 more rows and then I’ll be done with either the front or the back side – this is one of those projects that I just can not wait to finish, but it will be a while still.

I’m trying to think if I have any other news…I don’t think so

The daily inspiration posts might be a bit erratic for the rest of the week due to this presentation, so please bear with me.

How is everyone else doing?

(Isn’t it awesome when you hit the spell check button and it tells you that no errors have been found?)


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Random tidbits

* I am rather sore today.
* Getting back into exercise is easier than I expected
* Even though I know I will enjoy it, I still don’t want to go to exercise
* It is annoying when HR (seemingly) mess up your leave
* Sometimes TV series says things that you have always known, but didn’t know how to word
* Sometimes eating that chocolate is just not worth it
* Sometimes eating that chocolate is definitely worth it
* I love my husband very much
* I’m very much looking forward to a massage my dear husband has “promised” me
* I love rainy days
* I love curling up on the couch and watching TV with my husband
* I love my kittens (most of the time – not when they are making a noise when I need to sleep)
* Strawberries are awesome
* My husband is my favourite in the whole wide world

Memory Lane

Isn’t it amazing how memories work?

It seems like winter-time is full of memory triggers for me, specifically memories of my childhood.

There is something about the cold air that reminds me of exam days and sandwiches with beef or salmon cream cheese spread on them.

Some smells, like oranges, just trigger a feeling and fleeting memories of peeling oranges in front of oil heaters.

These memories in turn trigger more memories and sometimes you can go down the strangest paths.

Sometimes a song can also have very strong “memory-feelings” attached to it as well and you find yourself thinking about things that happened that would never normally be brought forward.

What are some smells that bring back memories for you?