Tag Archives: vinnis nikkim

Passion flower doily

I have finished my first doily! Woohoo!

As my first doily project I did the Passion Flower Doily by Esther Chandler.

The doily itself is quite pretty and was very quick to work up at only 11 rows in total.

I enjoyed the crocheting and the pattern itself is fairly simple – no complicated stitches. I did however find the pattern somewhat difficult to read sometimes – I think that it could have been clearer in some places about where stitches should go or where a row starts etc.

I do appreciate that the designer makes the pattern available in both UK and US crochet terms – I am able to follow both, but prefer the UK terms since that is what I am used to.

My doily is crocheted in Vinnis Colours Nikkim which is a 100% cotton yarn(Unfortunately I can’t get their site to work to link to it)

IMG_1519It hasn’t been blocked yet – to be honest, I’m not sure I’d be able to block it in a circular shape if I tried. I’m fairly happy with how it turned out though – not bad for a first attempt I think.

On to the next doily!